

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Crazy Things I Find Myself Doing Lately.

I've struggled lately finding a topic to blog about, feeling run-down, stressed and just too busy. So instead, I have decided to make fun of my own silly ways and share some of the crazy things I have found myself doing lately as a stay at home Mom and Wife.

The Crazy Things 
I Find Myself Doing Lately...

10. Eating my 2-year-old's left over, dried-up lunch for dinner.

9. Wiping my dirty hands on my pants throughout the day with the justification that I have already been puked, pooped or spit-up on.

8. Preferring my kids' sing-along music while driving alone. 

7. Using the boys' wipees when the TP runs out.

6. Microwaving coffee in the morning from the day before.

5. Wishing that the grocery store had a drive-through! (And being oh-so-grateful for the beloved Starbucks' drive-up window).

4. My 2-year-old insisting on me singing the "Small Potatoes" theme song in the doctor's office and I do it. 

3. Only having enough time to shave one leg.

2. Worshipping the babysitter like a god, because my husband and I are like passing ships in the night, only to spend our entire date talking about the kids and checking in on them.

1. Spending the day looking forward to bedtime in order to savour a quiet moment, only to find myself missing the boys so much that I have to sit and watch them as they sleep, so peacefully in their snuggly beds. 

btw, Happy Halloween! 
enjoy every moment with your little pumpkins.

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