

Friday, September 21, 2012

Clean Up Aisle 3 - Toddler Meltdown Level 10!

The dog escaped minutes before having to throw my 1-year-old in the car to pick up big brother from preschool. Poor pup's just going to have to fend for herself in the heat of the Florida sun. "Just hope she doesn't get eaten by an alligator while we're gone."

Traffic on the way to school, barely make it in time for pick up and the preschool teacher informs me that my ever-so-sweet 3-year-old brought a pocket full of change to school, to which he teased all of his classmates, asking them "if they'd like to get paid today?"... (seriously buddy?!)

Three-car-pile-up on the way home, traffic is crawling by a Publix and I think, "I might as well pick up some groceries and get the boys some lunch." (HA!).... Better said than done.

Warning: Never take two toddlers grocery shopping after pre school with hungry bellies.

The first 10 minutes went smoothly as my sweeties sat quietly in their race car grocery cart...(the calm before the storm)...once we hit the baking aisle, all He&% broke loose. It felt like a speaker went off in the store announcing my toddler's meltdown (Clean up aisle 3 - Toddler Meltdown!)....high-pitched screams, arched back, red face, going-floppy-if-you-try-to-pick-me-up mode. Thank God I realized my little blonde-haired, 20-month-old was freaking out over the bag of Nestle chocolate chips I just put in the cart and couldn't tolerate waiting till check-out to open them up. 

Needless to say, we made it out alive. With a trail of chocolate chips behind us, half of our grocery items opened and bitten off of, two very tired toddlers and an exhausted mommy...

Emma, the dog was waiting patiently on the driveway when we got home. And my sweet little toddlers are fast asleep, napping deeper than ever. 

I can't help but giggle. I know these days will pass before I can blink. Especially because every parent who passed us at the grocery store gave me that all-knowing, sweet smile as my kids are crawling in and out of my shopping cart like wild monkeys. 
Brings a whole new meaning to "they are so precious when they sleep." And mommy finally gets a minute to sit down and breath before it all starts over again. 

Wouldn't change it for the world. And the crazy part is, I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. I'm choosing to seize these crazy beautiful moments and remember how blessed I am today to be the mommy of such awesome, sweet (active!) little boys.


  1. I laughed when I read this knowing we have been in that situation so many times. Being a mom is the best thing that ever happened to us! I agree we need to take in all the moments...they will go by so fast.

    1. I think these CRAZY moments are inevitable and it's just easier to laugh than cry! We are truly so blessed!
