In the past few weeks, events have unraveled in a way that have allowed me to pause...
pause to appreciate, pause to love, pause to remind myself just how amazingly God has blessed me.
Our little man, Nathan had severe symptoms following a routine medical procedure, landing him in the hospital for three days. And as strange as it sounds, I left with a stronger, deeper appreciation for what I've got today...realizing that you have no control over what may come tomorrow.
Jackson, my 3 year old is finishing up his first year of preschool, has outgrown most of his clothes and swears he'll marry his schoolmate girlfriend. He also just completed his first soccer season. Today was his final game. And although he never made a goal, I couldn't be prouder of the little guy as he constantly stopped mid-game to turn around and blow mom kisses. The league handed out ceremonial awards to each player and as he approached the stage, I had to pause. Pause and embrace. Embrace that larger than life moment when you feel like there's too much emotion for one person to handle...wishing you could slow life down a bit, to assure yourself you won't miss a single thing.
And finally, tragedy struck San Diego and the world of sports when Junior Seau, a celebrated Linebacker took his own life on Wednesday. Having gone to UCSD while he played for the Chargers, I was familiar with the local celebrity and am deeply saddened by the news. The media's coverage was thorough but the one interview that struck my heartstrings was this
one of his Junior's mother weeping over her son's death, saying "I pray to God, please, take me, take me, leave my son." As terrible and tragic as the story of this mother's little boy, I find it equally as important to embrace those larger than life moments, that may be as simple as a wave from the soccer field or nasty flu that lands us overnight in the hospital....
As San Diego pastor and a former Defensive Back for the Chargers, Miles McPherson says in
this recent article, "Be intentional to spend quality time with your family...Take a moment and hug a relative today. Make that "I love you," "I am sorry" or "I forgive you" phone call those moments you realize how much unspoken power we all possess with just three words. I love you. We are surrounded by people who are hurting, who desperately need to be reassured that someone cares. Tell someone today. A simple gesture of acknowledgement just might be the "larger than life" moment that actually saves a life."